Gift Certificates

Christmas Vouchers

We have had many customers (and indeed family of customers who live abroad!) over the years contacting us to see if they can give a practical gift to loved ones in the form of a voucher towards their heating.

If you would like to give such a gift we can send you out an actual gift certificate so you can pass it on to your loved one. Just contact us on 028 9266 3891 to arrange.

Vulcan Gas Oil Max

Vulcan Gas Oil Max

The Gas Oil supplied by us is 4 cetane points higher than the rest of the market in Northern Ireland. That's because we treat every drop with Vulcan Gas Oil Max.

Why do we do this? Well, the British specification of Gas Oil has changed in recent years to include a percentage of FAME biodiesel to reduce the carbon footprint. The side-effect of this change in spec though, has been that Gas Oil users across the UK have experienced some problems with machinery and problems with the storage of the fuel for longer periods, and our additive solves this by controlling water content and boosting the cetane of the fuel.

It also makes the fuel greener by being 3-6% more fuel efficient and reducing emissions!

Other Benefits